A Strategy For Every Battle: The Weapon of Worship

Austin Scott   -  

In the face of daunting battles, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and uncertain about the outcome. However, there is a strategy that can bring hope, strength, and victory in every situation. Drawing inspiration from the story of Jehoshaphat in 2 Chronicles 20, we discover the power of worship as a guiding force and weapon in the midst of our battles. By understanding the importance of holding onto God’s promises, letting worship lead us, and awaiting God’s response, we can navigate through life’s challenges with confidence.

As they were about to go out, Jehoshaphat stood and said, “Hear me, Judah and you inhabitants of Jerusalem. Believe in the Lord your God, and you will be established; believe in his prophets, and you will succeed.21 Then he consulted with the people and appointed some to sing for the Lord and some to praise the splendor of his holiness. When they went out in front of the armed forces, they kept singing:

Give thanks to the Lord,
for his faithful love endures forever.

22 The moment they began their shouts and praises, the Lord set an ambush against the Ammonites, Moabites, and the inhabitants of Mount Seir who came to fight against Judah, and they were defeated.

2 Chronicles 20:20-22 CSB

Hold to the Word of God

In times of turmoil, when everything seems uncertain, we need an anchor to hold onto. The Word of God provides that unchanging truth and stability. Amidst chaos, emotions, and confusion, we must cling to God’s promises, knowing that His word is firmly established in the heavens. By immersing ourselves in the Scriptures, we discover the numerous promises God has made for our lives, promises of comfort, love, protection, and provision. These promises are our assurance and foundation as we face our battles.

Let Worship Lead You Into Battle

Jehoshaphat demonstrated a profound understanding of the power of worship. Instead of relying on his own strength or military tactics, he placed worship at the forefront. Worship serves as a powerful weapon against the enemy, a declaration of faith and trust in the God who has never lost a battle. Just as a fighter’s entrance song can intimidate opponents, our worship can strike fear into the enemy’s heart. Worship shifts our focus from ourselves to the greatness of God, reminding us that victory is already assured.

Await God’s Response to Your Worship

When we lift God up in worship, He responds. In Jehoshaphat’s story, the moment the people began to praise and worship God, He set an ambush against their enemies. The enemy was defeated, and the victory was won. Similarly, our worship can move God into action on our behalf. It is in the act of worship that the enemy loses ground in our lives. When we choose to praise God despite our circumstances, we invite His intervention and experience His mighty works.

In the midst of battles, it’s easy to become discouraged, fearful, or overwhelmed. However, we have a strategy that transcends our circumstances: worship. By holding onto God’s promises and allowing worship to lead the way, we tap into a divine power that can overcome any challenge we face. As we lift God up in worship, He responds with His presence, protection, and victory. So, let us boldly step into every battle with the weapon of worship, knowing that the battle is not ours, but the Lord’s.


You can watch the full teaching on “The Weapon of Worship” below: